
Olive’s character was inspired by a pair of little owls that used to live in an oak tree at the bottom of our garden. One morning, when looking after a neighbours house whilst they were on holiday, I opened their front door to discover the owls flying around. They’d come down the chimney. They did this twice and it took much care and patience to get them out.


When I set out to write Peril and Promise, I wanted to find a role for Shimmy, the peacock that mysteriously arrived in our garden, one day. He was, as it says in the book, ‘… a little scruffy, somewhat thin…’ but what a character he proved to be.

The idea of Olive, being a captive bird who escaped, was inspired by a buzzard called Margaret. I can vividly recall how, during a falconry display, once launched by her handler she took off, never to return.

He became quite tame and was often on the roof when I drew the curtains in the morning. No-one ever discovered how he came to be in our village, but, sadly, the most likely explanation is that he was dumped from a car.

When I set out to write Peril and Promise, I wanted to find a role for Shimmy, the peacock that mysteriously arrived in our garden, one day. He was, as it says in the book, ‘… a little scruffy, somewhat thin…’ but what a character he proved to be.
He became quite tame and was often on the roof when I drew the curtains in the morning. No-one ever discovered how he came to be in our village, but, sadly, the most likely explanation is that he was dumped from a car.

Olive’s character was inspired by a pair of little owls that used to live in an oak tree at the bottom of our garden. One morning, when looking after a neighbours house whilst they were on holiday, I opened their front door to discover the owls flying around. They’d come down the chimney. They did this twice and it took much care and patience to get them out.
The idea of Olive, being a captive bird who escaped, was inspired by a buzzard called Margaret. I can vividly recall how, during a falconry display, once launched by her handler she took off, never to return.